Illaroo Scout Group Parent Information

 Welcome to the Parent information section for Illaroo Scout Group. This section provides details on the different components of the group including applicable links to other sites. If you still have questions or require further clarification please refer to the other Scouting web sites or discuss with one of our Leaders. 

Scouting  (very brief history)

What is a Scout Group?

Parent Involvement

Becoming a Leader


  • Fees / payments  / Activity & Camp Costs 
  • Illaroo bank details 
  • Fundraising
  • Explanation of Costs


Joining – how does it happen!

Joining (Registration)

  • Youth
  • Parent Helpers
  • Leaders

Term Programs

Activity Notification Forms (Operoo, E1 and ScoutEvent)

Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices

Injuries / incidents while on Scouting activities

Social Media Guidelines

Who are we?

Hall Hire


Links to other Scout Websites and information

Scouts Australia

Scouts NSW Branch

South Coast and Tableland Region

If you find a discrepancy between the above web sites and Illaroo web site, then take the above website as being correct and contact one of our Illaroo Leaders for further clarification (and to point out discrepancy).



When Lord Robert Baden – Powell (or BP) returned from the Boer War, he found the youth of the British Isles playing games taken from a handbook he had written for army scouts.  BP was persuaded to rewrite his book and named it “Scouting for Boys”, and the Scouting movement began.  Scouting has spread around the world and is currently active in over 216 countries with more than 26,000,000 members.

Scouting is not affiliated with any particular religion, nor is membership of a church a prerequisite to joining the Scouting movement.

Originally a “boys only” organisation, the Scout Movement eventually expanded its program to include girls.                                                                                    

Our aim is to encourage the physical, mental, social and spiritual development of our young people so that they may take a constructive place in society as responsible citizens.

We achieve this through:

  • Voluntary membership of a uniformed group, which, guided by adults becomes increasingly self-governing in its successive age groups.
  • Committed to a code of living expressed in the Promise and Law.
  • The provision of a wide range of attractive, constructive and challenging activities, including opportunities for adventure and exploration both indoors and outdoors.
  • The provision of opportunities for leadership and responsibility.
  • Learning by doing.
  • Encouragement of activity in small groups.
  • An award scheme that encourages participation in a full range of activities and provides recognition of individual achievements.

Scouting is a formula that has survived for 100 years!  The principles of Scouting are proving to be just as relevant today as they were when Scouting began in 1907.                                        


What is a Scout Group?

Scout Groups are formed and maintained by the community because parents believe in the benefits and teachings that Scouting has to offer and want to make it available to their children.

A full Scout Group consists of five Sections called:

  • Joey Mob (5-8yrs)
  • Cub Scout Pack (8-11yrs)
  • Scout Troop (11-15yrs)
  • Venturer Unit (15-18yrs)
  • Rover Crew (18-26yrs) (Shoalhaven Crew – no Illaroo).

Each section is managed by a qualified Leader who is helped by qualified Assistant Leaders.  In the Joey Scout and Cub Scout sections, parents are encouraged to become Parent Helpers to support the Leader.  The Group as a whole is managed and guided by the Group Leader.  The Group Leader is supported by a committee of parents, ex-Scouts, and community members.


Parent Involvement

Scouting is a voluntary organisation and we rely on parent support. The level of support given will depend on the individual circumstances of each family. Parents staying for Joeys (or any section), assisting with transport, or having any interaction with youth members are required to have a valid working with children check. See below for registration (no cost). 

Regular help is needed for:

  • Special Skill: If you have a skill that maybe of interest to the youth members that you may be able to run on one or two nights a year (ie wood working, mechanic, stamp collector, cooking etc). Leaders are always after different programming ideas and assistance to run of a night time. Or you may know someone else to has a unique skill.
  • Transport: Occasionally the Scouts will need to be transported to the activities included in our programs.
  • Hall Maintenance:  It is important that the place in which our children gather is clean, hygienic and safe.  Assistance will be required for mowing lawns, the regular maintenance tasks with perhaps an annual working bee for the larger jobs.
  • Fundraising: Organising or assisting at fundraising activities.
  • Group Committee: The really hard work of building the Scout Hall and providing most major resources has already been done by past committee members.
  • Regular Helpers or at Camps: Parents not wishing to become leaders but are keen to regularly help at the youth section or attend camps are welcome. However, to do these you must have a valid WWCC and complete the online registration as per below registration

Current parent committee members attend occasional quarterly meetings to assist the Group Leader in the management of the Group’s resources and may also be involved in planning social events for the group.  


Becoming a Leader

Leader: Leadership is not for everyone, but if it interests you, please speak to any one of the Leaders.  They will tell you that they get just as much fun out of it as the kids, and a very real sense of achievement by doing something worthwhile for our young people and the community. See below on how to Join / Register.



 A Scout Group is entirely self-funded. The expenses of a Scout group are various, including the cost of maintaining camping and other equipment in first class and safe condition, purchase of new equipment, hall maintenance, electricity, insurance, badges etc.  Leaders must ensure their qualifications are current in the activities in which they lead the youth, and these training costs are met by the Group. Note: the term ‘Scout’ below refers to youth members of any of the Scouting sections.


  •  Joining Fees
    • State has a once off fee  (NSW Branch will invoice direct )
    • Illaroo Fee $20 (prior to investiture - to cover scarf and badges)
  •   Illaroo Fees
    • Illaroo Trek (multiple terms) Fees:
      • $40 per term, (as of 2024) 
      • Fees are to be paid as part of the state registration process (on joining & per Trek registration)
  • State Fees (paid in Trek for multiple terms)
    • $70 per Term (TBC - as of 2024)
    • State will invoice you directly for this via email and you pay them direct
    • Active Kids Vouchers can be used for this
    • More information on this, or link to pay manually 


  •  Activity / Camp Costs
    •  Some activities such as camps and commercial activities incur extra costs. These costs are kept to the minimum required and are sometimes are subsidised from section funds. These costs may go direct to other organisations / companies, camping fees, food, to other scout areas for equipment use and other general activity costs.
    • Preference for minor activities may be cash direct to the Leaders. Higher cost activities can be done via direct deposit. See the activity notes for details.


  •  Bank Transfer - For Illaroo activity fees etc

Illaroo Scout Group bank details for direct deposit (Westpac Bank)

BSB 032691 Account No 481152

Surname & Purpose as the Reference (SmithCamp)

  •   Fundraising
    • The cost of purchasing capital items or major events is assisted by fundraising.  Fundraising is co-ordinated by a member of the Group Committee, and all sections help to raise funds to fund a successful Group.
    • Fundraising on some occasions go towards members attending specific National or State Scouting events. Fundraising on these occasions go to those that help on a pro-rata rate.  
  •  Explanation of Costs
    • The primary reason cost are kept down is that Scout Leaders and most people involved in Scouting are volunteers. You will pay more than this for a term of other activities such as weekly half an hour swimming or piano lessons etc.
    • Fees are paid by Trek (6 months) and are paid as part of the Trek re-registration. Scouts now get everyone (including leaders) to re-register every 6 months to ensure the accuracy of numbers. This is so those not continuing or non-financial are automatically resigned so Scouts are not paying for insurance costs for non-members (insurance is a huge cost factor for the organisation which is based on member numbers).
    • Of the fees you pay, it is broken down to the following areas.
      • Scouts NSW component: to cover registration, insurance (medical and assets - big cost), administration fees, staff fees (State office). 
      • Illaroo component: Is split with the larger group portion to cover our group costs such as utilities cost, badges, scarves, new equipment, Leader registration and training costs, hall maintenance and other group miscellaneous costs. A section component goes towards each section to cover weekly section costs such as purchasing items needed for activities/games, section badges, supplement camp food costs if needed, and towards activities when sufficient funds available.
    • All fees are paid through the state registration system. State retain their component and pay the illaroo component paid into the group account.
    • There is a one off State and Illaroo joining fee to cover initial registration costs.
    • Camp and special activities costs are separate to the standard Trek fees and are charged accordingly for those that are participating.


 The current Scout uniform is a shirt with the sectional colour shoulders, plain dark blue shorts or long pants (can be purchased from local shops – not jeans) and a group scarf (the group scarf will be supplied by the Scout Group at the investment of the new Scout).  From the night that he or she is invested, your child will be expected to wear full uniform unless advised otherwise.  Uniforms are available from the Scout Shop at Port Kembla. Telephone 4274 – 1193 or Fax 4274 – 6334.  From time to time we have second hand uniforms available or we may be able to source them from another Group. Please ask your Leaders regarding this. Alternatively uniforms can be purchased online through 'The Scout Shop' 


Joining – how does it happen!


  • Determine what section is suitable for your child
  • Your Child may join at any time of the year if they are the correct age.
  • Contact the Leader for that section or just turn up to their next meeting at the hall (see their term program under the 'Programs' tab of this website) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for advise.
  • Please note that if sections are full there may be a waiting list (but this is pretty rare). Members linking from younger groups (ie Joeys to Cubs) will have priority along with any child whose parent wishes to join up as a full time Leader.
  • So that the leaders have emergency contact information, we need you join (register) the first week or two of attending and prior to attending scouting activities external to the hall (see Joining Application below)
  • After the initial six week trial, a child who decides he or she would like to become a Scout will be invested as a member.  Full registration need to be complete at this time and payments made. 
  • You will need to purchase a uniform (Section Shirt) at this time. Recommend getting one a bit large. The Scarf, woggle and badges will be provided by the group at investiture. Plain dark blue or black shorts / pants are required but these can be from any standard shop.
  • Your section Leader will advise you on the investment ceremony. Family members are welcome to attend this ceremony.


Joining (Registration)New or returning

Youth Application

  • This form needs to be completed within the first week or two of starting Scouting so that the leaders have your contact details.
  • If using a Active Kids voucher as part of payment follow link for that
  • Click on New Member or Returning Member as appropriate and follow the instructions.
    • If a New Member, you can select Temporary (for a trial period) or full membership. 
  •  Operoo activation
    • Once your child is registered you will receive an email from 'Operoo' for you to complete other general and medical details. All sections use Operoo for activity notes so it is important to do this so you will obtain those notes and can approve (or not approve) your child attending the activities.
    • Operoo web application is a secure site which grants access to only those leaders and staff who require it for applicable activity. It is the same secure application that is used by many schools to manage students’ details and their activity notes.
  • Parents are encouraged to also join as an Adult Helper to enable you to attend or assist at activities if you wish. See below for more details.
  • Trek Renew-registration (ie required each 6 months)
    • Every 6 months you need to renew registration, along with making payment.
    • You should receive an email, then several reminders, with link for this.
    • If you miss all them, or need to re-register use the above link and click on the returning member.

  Parent Helpers 

  • Parents are encouraged to also join as an Adult Helper to enable you to attend or assist at activities if you wish. As a minimum to attend for youth events you must have a valid Working with Children Check (volunteer  - which is free). 
  • This does not actually commit you to helping but does allow you to help with transport or special camps or activities if you wish, or help group by being on the committee. Without it you can not attend any Scouting activity involving youth members (as per NSW laws).  
  • To gain Working with Children Check
  • To register as a Scout adult helper it is the same link and process as joining for youth but when you put your age in, it will give you the choice of 'New Adult Helper'

Leader Applications

  • If you wish to become a leader, we would love to have you along, but discuss it with an existing leader and group leader first (if you haven't already). Or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if new to the group.
  • Do the WWCC (as above for parent helper)
  • Register as a new member and select Leader


Term Programs

  •  Each section produce a term program. A copy of these term programs are normally available on the Illaroo Group Website. Note that these programs can change a short notice. 


Activity Notification Forms (Operoo and E1 Form

 For activities outside of the Hall, an Activity Notification Form is required.

  • Operoo web application is the primary method for writing and sending Activity notes.  Leaders will write these up for each applicable activity. Notes are automatically resend at set periods until you respond (either yes or no). If you do respond but later change your mind before the cut off date then you can log back in and change the selection.
  • The old E1 form may need to be used for some activities or by new members awaiting Operoo access. However to do an E1 it requires the Leaders to write up a complete second form which is not desirable (time consuming) so will only do them where absolutely necessary.
  • Other notes - some region or State run events may have a separate application form altogether that your leaders will provide separate details on as required. One of these being ScoutEvent registration system.


Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices

  • Items such as mobile phones, electronic devices (such as tablets, ipods etc) are not encouraged for most Scouting activities due to potential damage or loss, and we are about doing activities rather than sitting on an electronic device.
  •  If these items are brought to a camp or meeting the leaders/group will not accept any responsibilities for loss or damage.
  • Leaders normally carry mobile phones which can be used in case of emergencies.


 Injuries / incidents while on Scouting activities


  • Scouts Australia have their own insurance for Scouting activities (hence the need to be registered members). Only out of pocket expenses are covered. Full details can be found on the official Scout Websites.
  •  The ‘HS-5 Incident, Accident, Near Miss Form’ form needs to be completed for all types of incidents/accidents/near misses which may need to be notified to Workcover NSW and/or require compensation under our personal accident insurance policy. As a rule of thumb, if medical treatment, dentistry, ambulance travel or hospitalisation is required, this form must be completed and emailed/lodged at the State, Region & Group Offices within 48 hours of the incident where reasonably practicable.
    • Leaders will complete these in consultation with injured member / parent. If the full extent of injury is not known until after the event then in these cases contact the Leader asap to inform them of the incident.
  • Inappropriate or Safety issues
    • If there are any concerns you have please discuss with your leaders
    • You can also log any issues direct to Scouts NSW through Log a Matter


Social Media Guidelines

Please refer to Scouts Australia and Scouts NSW websites:

NSW Scouts Social Media Guidelines

Scouts Australia Brand Manual, Digital Guidelines & Logos


 Who are we?

 Group Leader (some times referred to as Leader-In-Charge) – Overall responsible for running the group, makes sure paperwork is done, link between section leaders and group committee.

Joey Scout Leader – plans, organises and runs Joey section program with assistant leader(s) and parent helpers.

Cub Scout Leader – plans, organises and runs Cub section program with assistant leaders and parent helpers on request.

Scout Leader – plans, organises and runs Scout section program with assistant leaders.

Venturer Scout Leader – oversees and assists with the management of the Venturer Unit.

Committee Chairperson – Convenes and coordinates group committee activities.

Committee Secretary – Collects and distributes mail, deals with correspondence

Committee Treasurer – Oversees collection of fees, pays bills, oversees group and section funds


Hall Hire - Private use or other Scout Groups

  • Illaroo Scout Hall is available for private Hire for either regular booking or for Private one-off events.
  • Programmed Scout activities have priority use / bookings of the hall
  • There is a basic kitchen available for use with some room in fridge, small microwave, kettle, oven and sink. You will need to supply your own crockery and cooking equipment. Scout food and other equipment in the kitchen is not part of the hire. 
  • There are approximately 50 chairs and some tables available upon request
  • There are 2 unisex toilets.
  • Hall cannot be book for Private overnight use (Scout groups exempt)
  • Alcohol can be consumed in moderation on premise for private functions iaw NSW laws.
  • Hall can not be booked for between 15 to 25 years old parties (we have been caught out with inappropriate use plus there is no insurance coverage for some ages
  • Storage rooms and offices are not part of the hall hire
  • Hall garbage and recycleable rubbish bins can be used but must not be filled more than 50% by hirer. Any additional rubbished must be taken by the hirer. Refundable drink bottles can be left if not wanted.
  • Hall availability can initially be verified on the illaroo Scout web site under the Calendar tab
  • For all enquires email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Private one-off hire, 
    • You will need to provide requested date and purpose. 
    • There will be a 'P2 - Hire of Premises' form that will be emailed and needs to be completed
    • Current hire costs for one off Private use is
      • $20 booking fee (non-refundable)
      • $20 per hour of use of hall (plus $100 deposit may be required - refundable if all is good)
  • Regular Long term hirers 
  • Scout Group Hire
    • $20 Booking fee & $4 per person (overnight)
    • $2 per member for day use